Eat these six foods to add years to your life

Dreamstime/Francesco Alessi
Tribune News Service – Beans are packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other goodies that benefit you.

You are what you eat, no doubt about it.

An article in the upcoming issue of Consumer Reports on Health says that eating six foods can add both life to your years and years to your life.


By decreasing inflammation, improving gut bacteria and altering the free-radical damage that alters cell functioning. What’s more, the right food can affect some serious conditions that often worsen with age, such as stroke, hypertension, heart disease, cognitive decline and type 2 diabetes.

And don’t think you have to give up certain favorites to live to a ripe old age. Chocolate is one of the six anti-aging powerhouses.

Here’s the list:

Beans: They’re packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other goodies that benefit you. They also help lower levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides.

Chocolate: It doesn’t only taste good, but it can be good for you in limited quantities, especially dark chocolate that has more flavonoids and less sugar than milk chocolate. Flavonoids seem to improve blood-vessel function, which can lower blood pressure and clotting. But, remember, chocolate also contains lots of sugar and saturated fat, not to mention calories.

Hot peppers: They’re good for your heart — if you can tolerate the heat in your mouth. Capsaicin found in peppers improves blood flow and protects against bacteria that have been linked with inflammation and diseases. It also pumps up your metabolism. Green and red chilies and cayenne, jalapeño and tabasco peppers all contain high levels of capsaicin.

Fish: It’s high in inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids, which seem to help protect the heart and brain. It’s best to eat 8 ounces a week of sustainably farmed or wild-caught low-mercury fish, such as Atlantic mackerel, Pacific sardines, freshwater (farmed) coho salmon and wild-caught salmon, and sablefish (black cod) from Alaska.

Nuts: These are high in monounsaturated fat content, which helps lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Though nuts are high in calories, with about 160 to 200 calories per ounce, frequent nut eaters weighed less than those who abstained, according to studies.

Whole grains: Reduce your risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, infectious disease and respiratory problems. One or two daily servings are enough to have a benefit. Refined carbs like white bread and white rice do not count.