The Health Benefits of Dill Pickles – A Miraculous Tangy Delight

Originally published by PINKVILLA on August 10, 2023

Written by Varsha Patnaik


Check out the health benefits of dill pickles – a flavorful and nutrient-rich food that supports digestion, provides antioxidants, promoting overall well-being.

 The Health Benefits of Dill Pickles


Dill pickles are tangy and crunchy condiments that offer a plethora of benefits beyond their mouthwatering flavor. We will discuss the numerous health benefits of dill pickles in depth that might surprise you. These preserved cucumbers are packed with essential nutrients, probiotics, and antioxidants, and have attracted the attention of nutritionists and health enthusiasts all around the world to better understand their contribution to human health.

Pickling is a century-old method of preserving the harvests long after the season had passed. Traditionally they are preserved in a brine of vinegar, dill, garlic, and other spices which not only add a burst of flavor but also benefit health and wellbeing. However, it should be noted that dill pickles made with natural fermentation are more beneficial than store-bought pickles made with added preservatives. So let us talk about the benefits you can gain from the nutrient content and fermentation process of munching on a tasty dill pickle.

What Are Dill Pickles?

Traditional dill pickles are cucumbers that have been preserved through the process of pickling. The pickling process involves soaking cucumbers in a solution of vinegar or brine, along with various spices and seasonings. The key ingredient that gives dill pickles their distinctive flavor is dill weed, which imparts a slightly tangy and aromatic taste to the pickles.

Dill pickles can be made using different methods, such as:

  • Fermented Dill Pickles:

Fermented Dill Pickles:

These pickles are made by allowing the cucumbers to ferment naturally. During fermentation, beneficial bacteria break down the natural sugars in the cucumbers, producing lactic acid. This process gives fermented dill pickles their characteristic sour taste and offers a rich source of probiotics.

  • Quick Pickles:

Quick Pickles:

Also known as refrigerator pickles, these are made by soaking cucumbers in a vinegar-based brine and refrigerating them for a short period. Quick pickles do not undergo the fermentation process and are ready to eat after a few hours or overnight.

  • Olives Dill Pickles:

Olives Dill Pickles:

Olives are small, oval-shaped fruits that grow on olive trees. They have a distinct taste and are often used in various culinary applications. When they are added along with cucumbers to be preserved either by fermenting or soaked in preservatives such as vinegar or brine, they are called olive dill pickles. You can enjoy this as a snack, served alongside sandwiches, or use them to add a tangy taste to various dishes.

What are the health benefits of dill pickles?

1. Boosts Gut Health:

Dill pickles that are made from the fermentation process are packed with probiotic bacteria. These healthy bacteria which are usually present in all fermented foods provide numerous benefits to your gut health ranging from maintaining the right balance of digestive enzymes, boosting immunity, and preventing pathogenic or bad bacteria from flourishing in your gut. They protect your gut against pathogenic bacteria by producing bacteriocidal substances and competing for adherence in the gut (1).

2. Provides Antioxidant Properties:

Dill pickle is a good source of Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, folate, beta-carotene, and phosphorus impart antioxidant properties to the dill pickles. These antioxidants are proven to fight free radical damage caused to the cells, preventing cell damage and early death. Therefore prolonged consumption of these may result in delayed aging and a lower risk of cancers, chronic disease, and age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular diseases (2).

3. Strengthens Immunity: 

Cucumbers are known to be rich in an antioxidant called beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A by our body (3). Carotene is a powerful compound that fights free radical damage caused to your cells, thus helping to improve heart health, stroke, cancer, respiratory diseases, and other age-related conditions (4).

4. Eases Muscle Cramps:

There are scientific pieces of evidence stating that consuming pickle brine might aid in alleviating muscle cramps. One of the factors that lead to muscle cramps is dehydration which is the resultant effect of an imbalance in electrolyte levels within the body. The high sodium and potassium concentration present in pickle brine may potentially help in rebalancing electrolytes and enhancing overall hydration. Nonetheless, there is limited research available on this topic (5).

5. Manage Insulin Resistance:

Consumption of pickle and pickle juices on a daily basis has been directly associated with lower insulin resistance. The main reason behind this is said to be the balance of normal gut microbiomes brought about by the probiotic organisms. This is because constant changes in gut microorganism colonies increase diabetes risk by enhancing insulin resistance and thus maintaining a healthy blood sugar level (6).

6. Help in Weight Management:

The main ingredient of dill pickles is cucumber – an extremely hydrating and low-calorie food. Therefore it offers a prolonged feeling of fullness (7). Moreover, pickles that are preserved in vinegar may help in healthy weight management as vinegar is known to have a direct correlation with the reduction of body fat mass. It reduces the body’s ability to absorb carbohydrates and stabilizes insulin spikes, both of which are related to offering a feeling of fullness to the body (8).

7. May Lower Cholesterol Levels:

Vinegar has shown positive results in reducing cholesterol content (8). Moreover, the probiotic bacteria in the fermented pickles are also responsible for reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL) in our bloodstream (1).

8. Efficient Wound Healing: 

Pickles are a rich source of Vitamin K which makes up for 20% of the daily recommended. Vitamin K is an important nutrient required for the effective stimulation of the blood clotting process. Therefore, consuming the recommended amount of Vitamin K ensures efficient wound healing in people (9).

Side Effects of Dill Pickles

While dill pickles can offer some health benefits when consumed in moderation, there are also potential ill effects associated with their consumption, particularly if consumed excessively or by certain individuals:

1. High Salt Content:

Dill pickles are typically high in salt found as sodium due to the brine solution used in their preparation. Excessive salt intake can lead to increased blood pressure, and water retention, and potentially exacerbate cardiovascular issues, especially in individuals with hypertension or those at risk of heart-related conditions. The high sodium content may also put patients suffering from chronic kidney disorders or liver issues in danger too as the electrolyte imbalance may put a lot of stress on these organs (10).

2. Calcium Erosion:

The acidic nature of pickles, especially the vinegar used in commercial varieties, can erode tooth enamel over time if consumed frequently or in large quantities. This can lead to dental sensitivity and other oral health problems (11). Moreover, an excessive amount of vinegar or acetic acid in cases where the body is not getting enough calcium may even lead to the leaching of bone structure and deteriorate bone health. This may lead to other bone-related issues such as osteoporosis (12).

3. Gastric Issues:

While fermented pickles can provide probiotics and support gut health, some commercial pickles which are made using vinegar lack these beneficial bacteria. Therefore, overconsumption of pickles lacking probiotics may alter the acidity in your digestive tract which in turn may lead to acidity and other gastric issues. Pickles have been also associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer in people (13).


There are several potential health benefits of dill pickles when consumed in moderation. They are low in calories and a good source of hydration, provide probiotics that promote a healthy gut and digestive system and contain antioxidants from the dill, which can help combat harmful free radicals in the body. However, it’s important to be cautious of their high sodium content, especially for individuals with hypertension or those on a low-sodium diet. To maximize the health benefits, it’s best to opt for natural and low-sodium varieties and incorporate dill pickles as per the daily allowance into your balanced and healthy diet. As research on this topic is limited, further studies may be needed to better understand the full range of health benefits that dill pickles can provide.

Air Fryer Fried Pickles

Originally published by The Pioneer Woman on July 26, 2023

Written by Ree Drummond

Photo by Caitlin Bensel

I was a little late to the air fryer party, but now I’m obsessed! I want to try all of the best air fryer recipesgrilled cheeseschicken parmfried okra… everything! This magnificent little countertop contraption surprises me every time in just how well it crisps and browns different foods, like these air fryer fried pickles. Seriously, one bite and you won’t believe they weren’t deep fried. They’re so quick and easy to make for an after-school snackappetizer, or at-home tailgate munchie. Eat ’em hot and fresh with homemade ranch!

Are pickles good in the air fryer?

They’re better than good! Sometimes I don’t feel like dealing with a cast-iron skillet full of hot oil, but an air fryer is the next best thing. These pickles “fry” up so nice and crispy, and they’re a little on the healthier side, too.

How do you get the breading to stick to the pickles?

Make sure the pickles are very dry before you bread them. The best way to do that is to put the pickles on a layer of paper towels and pat ’em dry with more paper towels. Remove as much moisture as possible.

What is the trick to crispy fried pickles?

Trick #1: Dry your pickles. Trick #2: Spritz them with cooking spray just before you “fry” them. This helps them crisp up and get golden brown! An olive oil cooking spray will taste best.

YIELDS:4 serving(s)
PREP TIME:40 mins
TOTAL TIME:40 mins


  • 116-oz. jar dill pickle chips, drained
  • 1/2 c.all-purpose flour
  • 3large egg whites
  • 2/3 c.breadcrumbs
  • 1/3 c.yellow cornmeal
  • 1/4 salt, plus more to taste
  • Cooking spray (use olive oil spray for the best flavor)
  • Ranch dressing, for serve


  1. For the pickles: Preheat a 3 1/2-quart air fryer to 390ºF. Set a wire rack on a baking sheet. Line a second baking sheet with paper towels and spread out the pickles on the towels; pat dry with more paper towels, pressing gently to remove as much moisture as possible.
  2.  Put the flour in a medium bowl. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with 1/4 cup of water until frothy. In a third bowl, combine the breadcrumbs, cornmeal, and salt.
  3. Bread the pickles, 4 to 6 at a time. First, toss the pickles in the flour and shake off any excess. Then, dunk them in the egg mixture to completely coat and shake to remove any excess. Finally, toss them in the cornmeal mixture, pressing gently to adhere. Arrange the breaded pickles on the rack on the baking sheet.
  4. Spray half of the breaded pickles with cooking spray, then arrange sprayed-side down in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Spray the pickles again. Cook until very crunchy and browned on both sides, about 8 minutes. Lightly sprinkle the pickles with salt, remove to a serving plate, and repeat with the remaining pickles. Serve with ranch dressing for dipping.

Tip: Look for thick dill pickle slices! They’ll hold up well to the breading.

Is pickle juice good for athletic recovery? Dietitian explains probiotic and other possible benefits

Originally published by on August 2, 2023

Written by ABC News

In an undated stock photo, pickle juice is seen in a glass next to two pickles. (Getty Images)

Photo from Getty images


Vibrant yellow and green liquids may be a familiar sight when it comes to Gatorade or other electrolyte workout beverages, but there’s another contender with potential health and hydration benefits: pickle juice.

Since not all cucumbers are created (or rather pickled) equal, “Good Morning America” tapped registered dietitian Matthew Black, who has published his pickle findings at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, to break down what people should know about the ingredients, probiotic properties and myths surrounding the highly-buzzed-about beverage.

“With the increase in public interest for consuming pickle juice, there are newer products on the market that are formulations of pickle juice with added ingredients, which may include vitamins, minerals and electrolytes,” Black told “GMA.”

Right off the bat, Black said the possible benefits on the body “depend on the type of pickle juice.”

“Some pickle juice products are made from packing cucumbers into a mixture of mostly vinegar and salt, which would not contain probiotics, as this does not involve the process of fermentation,” he explained. “The natural way for pickle juice to contain probiotics is for the cucumbers to be packed in a solution of salt water — also referred to as brine — and allowed to set until bacteria growth occurs and consumes most of the carbohydrates present in the cucumber.”

The bacteria convert carbohydrates into various byproducts, including carbon dioxide and acids that produce the tart vinegar-like flavor, and help preserve the cucumbers, as well as add to their flavor.

Pickle juice and athletic recovery

“Many athletes use strategies these days to improve athletic performance that have little or no scientific support,” Black said. “Studies have indicated that athletes consuming varying amounts of pickle juice pre or post workout [saw] little to no effect on metrics such as performance, core temperature and hydration.”

Some research reviewed by Black, however, has shown that pickle juice can aid in the reduction of and recovery from muscle cramps in mildly dehydrated subjects.

“Interestingly, the mechanism of action behind this was not due to pickle juice replenishing fluid and electrolytes as previously thought,” he said. “Instead, researchers suspect that ingesting pickle juice plays some role in inhibiting the firing of alpha motor neurons from the cramping muscle.”

“Muscle cramps can be caused by numerous factors, including electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, and muscle fatigue,” he continued, adding that this is why drinks with sodium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride or calcium “may help reduce muscle cramps.”

Black reiterated that “athletes should ensure they are properly hydrated before, during and following workouts to help prevent cramping.”

Benefits of pickle juice for the body

“If you are consuming pickle juice from [naturally] fermented pickles, there could be some benefit from the probiotics it contains,” Black said, cautioning that “most commercially produced pickles on store shelves are not fermented.”

In order to find a fermented pickle product, Black said it will likely “be clearly labeled as such and may also use the term ‘probiotics’ on the package.”

“They may also list the number of CFUs, [or colony forming units], on the label, which indicates the number of viable bacteria present. In theory, the higher the CFUs, the greater the benefit for intestinal health.”

Probiotics are natural sources of healthy bacteria that help promote gut health. Black said this is why “some probiotics may aid in the reduction of inflammatory processes,” which could be beneficial for athletes trying to prevent muscle cramping.

The sodium and potassium in pickle juice can also serve as a hydrating way to replenish lost electrolyte stores in the case of a hangover, Black wrote last year for the OSU Wexner Medical Center.

Additionally, he said that according to some research, pickle juice that contains vinegar could improve the body’s response to insulin, which controls the body’s blood sugar level. However, he clarified that “there aren’t any established guidelines for how much pickle juice you should drink and whether you should drink the juice before or after meals.”

How to make natural electrolyte drinks at home

“There are different recipes online for making homemade concoctions of sports electrolyte drinks,” Black said. “If desired, it is possible to combine different 100% fruit or vegetable juices — orange, pineapple or tomato — with additional ingredients such as lemon, lime juice, coconut water, and small amounts of honey or syrup, along with the addition of salt.”

When using tomato juice as a base, Black said “the addition of salt may not be necessary” because “it already contains high amounts of sodium.”

Pining for a pickle popsicle?

Originally published by Saltwire on July 28, 2023

Written by Jenna Head


Summer Scoops: From pickle ice to local options, Urban Market 1919 is serving up quirky ways to cool down

The new ice cream truck located at Urban Market 1919.

The new ice cream truck located at Urban Market 1919.

Photo by Jenna Head/The Telegram


Urban Market 1919 is taking local treats to the next level with their new ice cream truck on 330 Lemarchant Rd.

The truck opened this month and is one of many ways the business plans to develop over the next few years.

Cavelle Jestican manages social media for Urban Market and said one of Urban’s goals for the truck is to provide students with their first summer jobs.

“We thought it was a great initiative for young people to get their first job in an ice cream truck since, you know, it can be pretty hard for young students to get their first job,” said Jestican.

The truck offers 10 flavours of hard-serve ice cream, several ice cream bars, vegan Drumsticks, and frozen Charleston Chews.

The scoops are popular, according to Jestican, but people can also get their ice cream fix with more local options in-store.

“In store, you can also get the local Freezies from local vendors like Nourish, cookie ice cream sandwiches from Gingerly Bakery,” said Jestican.

Other options include pints of Sweet Rock ice cream, Udderly ridiculous goat milk ice cream, and JACOBEAN fudgesicles.

“We have so many different bars and local ice creams in there as well, so you can pick or choose if you want to come out here and get a scoop or go inside and get something more local to grab and go,” she said.

Quirky Options

Urban Market is known for its local and sometimes quirky options.

Jestican said the business likes to show a sense of humour on social media.

Recently, Jestican created a ‘dickie berg’ ice cream sundae while it was popular online.

“I’m the social person at Brookfield and Urban, so I was like, ‘I can’t just take a photo of just ice cream’ so I have to make something hilarious,” said Jestican.

“I made the iceberg out of yogurt and put it on top of some ice cream with sprinkles.”

‘We actually just got yesterday these pickle ice, so they’re like freezies, but they’re pickle juice’ -Cavelle Jestican

The ‘dickie berg’ sundae is not currently for sale, but Jestican said Urban is considering adding it to the menu if they can get cookies shaped like the iceberg to top the not-so-average sundae.

Urban Market also sells pickle ice, perfect for those who prefer a salty way to cool down.

“We actually just got yesterday these pickle ice, so they’re like freezies, but they’re pickle juice, and some people actually requested that we get them in,” said Jestican.

“People love pickles so we have them as a new thing too.”

Urban Market is open Thursday-Sunday, 8 a.m.-10 p.m. The ice cream truck is open 1-8 p.m. Friday-Sunday.

The Disneyland ‘first pickle’ award that’s almost impossible to win

Originally published by SFGATE on July 23, 2023

Written by Julie Tremaine


The Disneyland ‘first pickle’ award that’s almost impossible to win

I was sitting in my salon, mid-haircut, when I first heard the legend of the first pickle.

“The first what now?” I asked my stylist.

“The first pickle,” she said. “It’s a real thing. You get an award if you buy the first pickle of the day from one specific pickle cart at Disneyland.”

The legend is real. The first person of the day to purchase a $3.99 pickle from the fruit cart midway down Main Street in Disneyland Park gets a special “first pickle” pin. Simple, right? As I would soon find out, it was the complete opposite of simple. Trying to get the first pickle turned out to be one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done at Disneyland.

First, there was the planning stage. Disneyland starts letting people into the park half an hour before rope drop: If the park opens at 8 a.m., for example, the gates open at 7:30 a.m. But you can’t just saunter up at 7:30 a.m. expecting to get straight through. There’s parking to consider. Security lines. Trams to Downtown Disney. Plus, you’ll need to get past all the people queued up to rope drop who will inevitably have gotten there earlier.

(For those of you who don’t obsess over Disneyland timetables, “rope drop” is the term for opening the park for the day. Guests can be on Main Street as soon as the turnstiles open, but physical ropes prevent them from going into the lands until the ropes drop at the actual time of the park’s opening.)

Monday, July 17, was going to be the day. I got up at 5:20 a.m. and left my house at 6:15 a.m. At that hour, traffic is usually pretty light to Disneyland, so I thought it would take me about 35 minutes. I was wrong. Bumper-to-bumper traffic made the drive an hour. Rather than park in the Disneyland garage and be slowed down by the long security and tram lines, I parked across the street from Disneyland’s Harbor Gate, at the Anaheim Hotel. It costs $30, less than Disney’s standard $35, and it’s the shortest walk into Downtown Disney through reliably quicker security.

I was parked by 7 a.m. and walking into the plaza in front of the gates at 7:15 a.m. That’s when I saw it: thousands of people lined up to get into the park.

I had forgotten. It was Disneyland’s birthday. The internet may think theme park attendance is down this summer, but that’s because seemingly every person who planned to go to Disneyland this season waited until that day.

Still, the timing wasn’t as bad as when I went in search of the park’s elusive $20 candy cane, going on a day it was raining so heavily that the rain was coming down and then spraying back up. This time, I was through the gates at 7:24 a.m. and among the first few hundred to make it onto Main Street. It was a beautiful moment. Hundreds of cast members were all lined up on the sidewalks, waving and greeting everyone as we walked toward Sleeping Beauty Castle.

By 7:25 a.m., I was at the cart. “Did I do it?” I practically shouted to the cast members working the cart. “Did I get the first pickle?”

“No,” one said. I had missed it by a minute or two. Who wants to eat a pickle for breakfast anyway? I thought unhappily as I walked off to find a way to kill the next 30 minutes before the park opened. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. My technique was solid. My shortcuts were on point. It was just an issue of timing. I knew if I did it again, that briny prize would be mine.

Fast-forward three days. I shifted everything back by 20 minutes. Up at 5 a.m., in the car at 6 a.m., at the gates by 7:05 a.m. This time, I was second in my line, which put me closest to the cart and the mythic first pickle. Pass scanned at 7:18 a.m. Through the turnstile at 7:20 a.m.  There were so few people in the front line of guests down Main Street that I could count them: About 40 people were walking in step or slightly ahead of me.

I got to the cart.

“Were you trying to get the first pickle?” the cast member asked me.

“I am!” I said.

“Well, you did it!”

I was overcome with a specific sense of victory that comes from winning something very difficult yet ultimately inconsequential. Like a Sunday crossword, only with a lot more getting up before dawn. I took a picture and then reached for my salty spoils. As I grabbed a pickle, a tiny hand jutted out to the barrel.

“Did I get it?” she asked. She couldn’t have been more than 10. And she was wearing a “happy birthday” pin. She looked at me and then at the cast member, who said I had won it that day. Her shoulders fell. She looked searchingly at her mom, who was powerless to fix the situation.

“Hold on a second,” I said to the girl. “I’ll take a picture of the pin, and then I’ll give it to you.”

“No,” the cast member said. “You both won. It was a tie today.” (I have said it before, and I will continue to shout it from the rooftops: There would be no Disney magic at all without cast members, and they deserve a lot more than they’re getting paid.)

She handed us our celebratory first pickle awards, with the reason for celebrating written on the front and the date on the back. The girl’s was modified with a birthday message. I was glad I could keep my pin. It was so dumb, but winning it took a lot of effort.

I didn’t want a pickle for breakfast, though. I wanted a Haunted Mansion April-December Churro, which was covered in fresh strawberries and therefore technically a smoothie. I didn’t snack on that pickle until 11 a.m. when I was park hopping to Disney California Adventure.

I had heard the first pickle award was only at that one Main Street cart, but curiosity stopped me at Mortimer’s Market, the California Adventure equivalent and first place geographically in the park to get fruit and pickles.

“Do you do the first pickle award here?” I asked the cast member.

“We do,” she said. “But it’s already been claimed for the day.”

Creamy Any-Pickle Dressing

Originally published by Epicurious on July 7, 2023

Written by Asha Loupy


  • Active Time

    5 minutes

  • Total Time

    1 hour 5 minutes

What would happen if pickle dip met ranch? This dressing. Creamy, tangy, and briny to the max, the base starts with buttermilk, sour cream, dehydrated onion flakes, garlic powder, and the star of the show: pickles. While this dressing can be made with just one type of pickle (like classic dill varieties), it’s even tastier when made with a mix of pickled vegetables like cocktail onions, capers, pickled green beans, cornichons, and hot cherry peppers. It’s a great opportunity to play with different flavor profiles—like sweet, tangy, briny, or spicy—and tailor the dressing to your tastes depending on the variety you use. If a little sweetness is what you’re after, you can add some bread-and-butter pickles into the mix. Or, for a little bit of heat, try adding pickled jalapeños. It’s a fantastic way to use up any jar of pickled things you might have in the back of the fridge.

Because pickles come in so many shapes and sizes, a good rule of thumb is to measure them out by weight, not volume. But if you don’t have a kitchen scale, start with the lower end of the cup measurement and add more pickles to taste as you build the dressing. Use this dressing to make Tomato Panzanella or Grilled Chicken Salad (where it also doubles as a marinade), or spoon it over roasted potatoes, wedges of iceberg lettuce, or grilled vegetables, such as green beans or asparagus.

Note: For smaller, stronger pickled items such as capers, use only about ½–1 oz. (1–2 Tbsp.) total and combine them with larger, more mild pickles so the flavor of the dressing is not too strong.


Makes about 2¼ cups

5 oz. pickled vegetables (such as dill pickles, cornichons, cocktail onions, peperoncini, capers, jalapeños, and/or hot cherry peppers, cut into 1″ pieces if large; ⅔–1 cup), plus 4½ tsp. pickle brine
¼ cup (loosely packed) dill fronds
½ cup buttermilk
4½ tsp. dehydrated onion flakes
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1½ tsp. Diamond Crystal or 1 tsp. Morton kosher salt, plus more
1½ tsp. garlic powder
½ tsp. freshly ground pepper
½ tsp. sugar
1 cup sour cream
  1. Step 1

    Pulse 5 oz. pickled vegetables (such as dill pickles, cornichons, cocktail onions, peperoncini, capers, jalapeños, and/or hot cherry peppers), drained, cut into 1″ pieces if large; ⅔–1 cup), and ¼ cup (loosely packed) dill fronds in a food processor, scraping down sides as needed, until finely chopped (15–20 pulses). Add ½ cup buttermilk4½ tsp. pickle brine4½ tsp. dehydrated onion flakes1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice1½ tsp. Diamond Crystal or 1 tsp. Morton kosher salt1½ tsp. garlic powder½ tsp. freshly ground pepper, and ½ tsp. sugar and pulse to combine (5–10 pulses).

    Step 2

    Transfer mixture to an airtight container and stir in 1 cup sour cream. Taste dressing and season with more salt if needed. Cover and chill at least 1 hour. (Don’t skip the resting period; it allows the onion flakes to rehydrate and all of the flavors to meld.)

    Do Ahead: Dressing can be made 5 days ahead. Keep chilled.


What Does Kosher Pickles Mean

Originally published by Restaurant Clicks on July 17, 2023

Written by Brian Nagele


Contrary to popular opinion, kosher pickles don’t always have to do with being blessed by a rabbi. If you’re not familiar with Jewish dietary restrictions, you might be wondering what precisely makes a pickle “kosher.” Instead, it refers to the method employed to make them pickled.

Typically produced using a salt brine and seasoned with garlic and dill, kosher pickles are known for their distinctive acidic and slightly sour flavor.

On the other hand, vinegar, sugar, and pickling spices are used to make non-kosher pickles.

Despite being a cornerstone of Jewish cooking, kosher pickles are a favorite of people from all walks of life worldwide.

So why are they referred to as “kosher” if it has nothing to do with receiving a rabbi’s blessing? Something that is allowed by Jewish dietary restrictions is referred to as “kosher”.

Although kosher pickles must be certified kosher, they do not necessarily need to be blessed by a rabbi.

Fortunately, the majority of significant kosher pickle producers in the US are accredited kosher, so you won’t need to worry while purchasing a jar at the supermarket.

Understanding Kosher

The term “kosher” could be unclear to you if you are not familiar with Jewish dietary regulations.

Photo from Restaurant Clicks

“Kosher” generally refers to food that is acceptable in accordance with Jewish dietary regulations.

The laws governing what meals can and cannot be consumed, how they must be cooked, and how they must be presented are collectively referred to as “kashrut” laws.

The word “kosher” has a slightly distinct meaning when referring to pickles. The term “kosher” here refers to a particular method of pickling.

The traditional Jewish method for making kosher pickles requires soaking cucumbers in a brine composed of water, vinegar, salt, garlic, and dill.

After that, the pickles are placed in jars and allowed to ferment for a few weeks. They get their distinctive crunchy texture and sour flavor as a result of this process.

Pickles must be made in conformity with Jewish dietary laws in order to be fully kosher.

This requires that the cucumbers be produced and harvested in a specific manner, and that a rabbi who is knowledgeable about Jewish dietary laws supervise the pickling procedure.

The rabbi will make sure that all of the pickled materials are kosher and that the pickles are made in a way that complies with all kashrut regulations.

It’s important to note that not all pickles with the designation “kosher” are genuinely certified to be kosher.

Instead of referring to the pickles’ preparation in conformity with Jewish dietary restrictions, the term “kosher” is frequently used to describe the pickling method.

Be sure to search for a certification symbol from a reputable kosher certifying organization if you’re seeking for truly kosher pickles.

By doing this, you can be sure that the pickles were made in line with all kashrut regulations.

What Are Pickles?

You may already be aware that pickles are simply brine-soaked cucumbers.

Photo by Restaurant Clicks

Pickles, however, can also apply to other pickled vegetables such carrots, beets, and peppers.

Food has been preserved by the use of pickling for thousands of years.

Pickles are frequently eaten as snacks or as a dipping sauce for burgers, hot dogs, and sandwiches. They may be sour or sweet, and occasionally spicy.

Even as a hangover remedy, some people love drinking pickle juice.

Fermented pickles and vinegar pickles are the two main varieties of pickles.

Cucumbers are soaked in a saltwater brine solution to generate fermented pickles, which then ferment naturally with lactic acid-producing bacteria.

The sour flavor and crunchy texture of fermented pickles are a result of this process. On the other hand, cucumbers are soaked in a vinegar solution to make vinegar pickles.

This process results in a tart, sweet, and sour pickle and is quicker than fermenting.

Let’s explore what makes a pickle “kosher” now that you are familiar with what pickles are.

Kosher Pickles Defined

If you’ve never heard of “kosher pickles,” you might presume that these are pickles that are produced in accordance with Jewish dietary regulations. That’s only partially accurate, but there’s more to it.

Pickles produced according to a precise recipe and procedure are known as kosher pickles.

Typically, they are created by soaking cucumbers in a brine solution that contains kosher salt, garlic, and dill. After that, the pickles are allowed to ferment, giving them their signature sour flavor.

Although the method used to produce kosher pickles complies with Jewish dietary restrictions, the term “kosher” in this context does not truly correspond to those laws. Instead, the flavor and texture of the pickles are referred to as “kosher”.

Pickles from kosher restaurants are renowned for their sour flavor and crisp texture. They are frequently offered as a side dish for sandwiches or as a standalone snack.

They are a favorite of pickle fans throughout due to their peculiar flavor.

In conclusion, kosher pickles are pickles that are produced in accordance with a certain recipe and method, producing a tangy, crisp pickle with a distinctive flavor.

The method used to manufacture kosher pickles complies with Jewish dietary restrictions, despite the fact that the term “kosher” does not specifically relate to them.

Differences Between Kosher and Non-Kosher Pickles

You are not the only one who wonders what makes a pickle kosher.

Olive pickles on shelf at local supermarket,

Photo by Restaurant Clicks

The distinctions between kosher and non-kosher pickles intrigue a lot of people. The following are some significant variations:


Kosher salt, which differs from conventional table salt, is used to create the brine for kosher pickles. Kosher salt is coarser in texture and devoid of additions like iodine.

This salt is used to make a brine that the bacteria on the cucumbers utilize to spontaneously ferment food.

Conversely, vinegar and water are frequently used in the production of non-kosher pickles.


Garlic, dill, and other spices are used to make kosher pickles. Additionally, they might have a trace quantity of kosher animal fat.

Pickles that aren’t kosher may include sugar, pickling spices, or other things.


Kosher pickles are made in line with Jewish dietary regulations, thus a Rabbi supervises their preparation.

The pickles are prepared in the manner of a Jewish kosher deli in New York City. This method is not used to create non-kosher pickles.


Because of the inclusion of garlic and dill as well as natural fermentation, kosher pickles have a unique flavor.

They are frequently described as tasting salty and sour. Pickles produced with vinegar that aren’t kosher could taste sweeter.

In conclusion, the ingredients, processing, and flavor of kosher and non-kosher pickles differ from one another.

Kosher pickles are the way to go if you’re seeking for a pickle that complies with Jewish dietary regulations. However, non-kosher pickles might suit your tastes better if you prefer a sweeter pickle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does “kosher” mean in relation to pickles?

In the context of pickles, “kosher” refers to the way the pickles are made and processed. The term “kosher” comes from the Hebrew word “kasher,” which means “fit” or “proper.” To be considered kosher, pickles must be made according to Jewish dietary laws, or kashrut. This includes using only certain types of ingredients and following specific preparation and processing methods.

What makes a pickle kosher?

To be considered kosher, a pickle must be made from cucumbers that have been produced naturally, without any genetic modification or other artificial means. The pickling process must also be overseen by a rabbi who is familiar with Jewish dietary laws. This includes using only certain types of salt and vinegar, as well as avoiding certain types of additives or preservatives that are not considered kosher.

Are all pickles kosher?

No, not all pickles are kosher. In fact, many pickles that are labeled as “kosher” may not actually be kosher according to Jewish dietary laws. This is because the term “kosher” has become more of a marketing term than a religious designation in many cases. To ensure that a pickle is truly kosher, you should look for a certification label from a recognized kosher certification agency.

What is the difference between kosher pickles and regular pickles?

The main difference between kosher pickles and regular pickles is the way they are made and processed. Kosher pickles are made according to Jewish dietary laws, while regular pickles may be made using any ingredients and processing methods. Kosher pickles are typically made with a salt brine and flavored with garlic and dill, while regular pickles may be pickled with vinegar and flavored with sugar and other spices.


In conclusion, kosher pickles are pickles made in accordance with Jewish dietary regulations.

When referring to pickles, the phrase “kosher” only designates a particular pickling method.

Normally, the term “kosher” means something that is acceptable in accordance with Jewish dietary restrictions.

Non-kosher pickles are pickled in vinegar and frequently contain sugar and pickling spices, whereas kosher pickles are pickled in a salt brine and flavor with garlic and dill.

Not all pickles are kosher, and not all kosher pickles are marked as such, it is important to keep in mind.

However, the majority of significant US kosher pickle producers are kosher-certified. You can seek for the kosher certification emblem on the container if you’re looking for kosher pickles.

Pickles that are kosher are a common snack and condiment in Jewish food and beyond.

They have a high fiber content, little calories, and helpful microorganisms that support intestinal health.

Kosher pickles are a tasty and nutritious addition to any meal or snack, whether you prefer them sour, half-sour, or fully sour.

Domino’s Japan Presents Pickle Pizza

Originally published by Hypebeast

Written by Elena Bernstein


Pushin’ p … ickles on pizza, that is.

Domino's Japan Presents Pickle Pizza | Hypebeast

Photo by Domino’s Japan


Notorious for its creative culinary ventures — the Fish and Chips Pizza, the Pizza Rice Bowl and the famed 34-Topping Pie, to name a few — Domino’s Japan is back with its latest unconventional pizza: the Pickle Pizza, equipped with 1.32 pounds of sliced dill pickles.

Described as a “dedication to pickle lovers,” the appropriately-named pie positions the pickle as more than just a mere topping, instead making it the star of the show. Sans tomato sauce, the Pickle Pizza is slathered with a layer of rich Camembert cheese, which works to counteract the sourness of the pickles. Customers have confirmed that, much like Domino’s Japan’s other pies, it is possible to add even more toppings, here pickles, to your pie for an additional cost of additional ¥590 yen, or $4.40 USD. The Pickle Pizza is available now for pick-up and delivery, though it is only available in a 40-centimeter (15.7-inch) size, roughly the size of a large Domino’s pizza in the US.

Outside of Japan, Domino’s is innovating in different fashions: the company recently launched a Domino’s Pizza Apple CarPlay application that permits customers to conveniently order dinner directly from Apple CarPlay.

If you’re based in Japan, the Pickle Pizza is available at all locations for a limited time only. If you’re not, then you’re in a pickle: it’ll only see a region-exclusive release, as Domino’s Japan, though under the same corporate umbrella as the USA’s Domino’s, limits its special products to its main country of operation.

Chili Sesame Pickles

In the Kitchen | Chili Sesame Pickles | Good Day Central Illinois

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Chili Sesame Pickles

A flavorful addition to your summer meal!


3 cups mini seedless cucumbers cut into 1/2-inch thick rounds

2 garlic cloves finely chopped

1 Tablespoon grated fresh ginger

1 Tablespoon chili garlic sauce (such as Sambal Oelek)

4 teaspoons granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup chopped green onion

1 cup rice vinegar

1 cup water

1/2 Tablespoon sesame seeds


1. In a pint-sized mason jar or container, add cucumbers, garlic, ginger, chili sauce, sugar, salt, and green onion.

2. Pour the rice vinegar and water over the cucumbers, making sure they are completely submerged before covering the container with a lid or saran wrap.

3. Place in the fridge for at least 4–6 hours. The flavor will continue to develop over the next few days.

4. Stir in sesame seeds and serve on top of burgers and salads, in a rice bowl, or have as a snack!

Notes: If you prefer a more mild pickle, decrease the amount of chili garlic sauce you add to the recipe.

Fried pickle spears are back at Alamo Drafthouse. Check out what’s on the new Mega Menu.

Originally Published by: Austin-American Statesman on July 7, 2023

Written by: Matthew Odam


The Hellfire Burger, made with hot pepper cheese and reaper pepper mayo, is a new menu item at Alamo Drafthouse


Take away people’s fried pickle spears at your own peril.

The Alamo Drafthouse received the message loud and clear. The pickles are back after a two-year absence and no small amount of complaining from Drafthouse faithful. The crunchy, tart, ranch-dipped appetizers are the headline addition to a fully revamped menu at the Austin-based Drafthouse.

Here’s what else you need to know about the updates to the new menu that rolls out at the Drafthouse Friday:

Why did the pickles disappear and why are they back?

The pickles vanished in the summer of 2021, but “The supply chain eased, and the people demanded them,” according to Alamo Drafthouse operations chef Jason Schwartz. The pickles are coming back as full spears after the Drafthouse experimented with a thin-cut pickle fry that was, “pretty good but not what the Alamo loyalist had come to expect,” according to Schwartz.